
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

LifeChurch partners with Missionaries all over the world that have all different types of outreach opportunities. We strongly believe in Echoing the Hope of Christ to our surrounding community, and to the far reaches of the Earth.


Pat & Sue Bradley | Crisis Aid International

Crisis Aid started by providing 2-pound bags of rice to people in South Sudan. Our work quickly evolved to serve people in crisis living in 11 different countries.  Together with our partners, we have provided more than 17.8 million pounds of food, served 2.6 million adults and malnourished children, and 1,378  sex trafficking victims helped, the youngest being 4 years of age.

Specifically, in the U.S we have provided a safe home for 190 girls rescued from sex trafficking and 107 children have received crisis intervention services through our office in coordination with law enforcement since November of 2018.
Today Crisis Aid concentrates efforts in East Africa and the United States serving children and families who are in crisis situations.  Whether it be famine, disease, natural disaster, or sex trafficking, Crisis Aid is there.

Jack & Sherry Harris | Global Messenger Service

Global Messenger Service is a missions organization focused on reaching unreached people groups with the message of Jesus Christ; empowering leaders to help them reach their cities and nations; and providing humanitarian aid across the globe.

Through the years, we have established children’s homes, clinics, and a full-service hospital; planted wells and numerous churches; adopted an entire slum; and provided food, vitamins, and medical treatment to thousands in need, including those affected by tsunamis, hurricanes, and floods.

At Global , serving our fellow man is serious business. As the hands and feet of Jesus, we are able to shine His light in the darkest places and offer hope to those who don't know the freedom of a life lived in Him. 

Dan & Brenda Salas  | Dan Salas Ministries

Dan Salas Ministries’ cry to the Lord for years has been, “Here I am, send me.” DSM’s mission field is forever expanding, but for the moment it is Guatemala on the north and Columbia to the south, along with the Caribbean.
DSM has been in prisons from Panama City to the Petén area of northern Guatemala and many prisons in between; from the retired section of old men, to the youth prison to the notorious 18th. Street Gangs of El Salvador.

When natural or man made disasters strikes, whether it be flooding in the banana plantations of Costa Rica, the ill effects of hurricanes Mitch and Felix in Nicaragua, or the destruction caused by government bulldozers they are there to fill the need but more importantly to tell those hurting about a God who loves them.

The greatest concentration of DSM has been along the Caribbean coast, from as far south as the city of Colon, Panama the entry to the Panama canal and as far north as Puerto Cabeza in northern Nicaragua near the Honduras border.
Many times it is the poor that invite DSM to come and help evangelize their area. Gandoca, a Caribbean town had only a concrete floor, and a partial tin roof installed, and no walls, yet they were hungry for a touch from heaven. This is all it takes to motivate DSM to travel the 5 hour trip to proclaim good news.

Rolando & Holly Herrera | Mission Of Hope International

Mission of Hope International's vision is to:
Bring Hope to the hopeless.
Help people to know God.
Reach as many people as possible with the salvation
message of Jesus so they can discover their purpose.
Make a difference in our world.

To provide the gospel and/or humanitarian aid to people needing help in the local community, around Costa Rica and throughout the World. Their focus is to love people back to life, meeting their physical needs but most importantly to reach them with the "Good News of Jesus Christ".

Rolando and Holly are founders of Mission of Hope International and have been full-time missionaries since October 2001. They have three boys; Dylon, Gabriel and Samuel who are a BIG asset to the ministry. Their ministry has reached Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.

Tim & Karol Svoboda | YWAM San Francisco

We believe God loves San Francisco. We believe God is pursuing real, transformational relationship with each and every person in our city, and we want to be a part of what God is already doing. Our mission is to engage San Francisco with a loving God.

By having an active voice in places of influence, providing opportunities for young and old to be involved in urban missions, partnering with local churches and agencies for the peace and well-being of the city, working towards the holistic development of individuals, fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves, to bring justice, healing and restoration, bringing the presence of God through creative avenues, and reaching the unreached in our city to impact the world.

We have a vision to birth unique, focused ministry throughout San Francisco. In our city, mission is at our doorstep.

Mike Hoffman | Novo Mission Inc

NOVO (Latin for "to make new") is a global network of creative missionaries sent to multiply movements of the Gospel and motivate the church for that mission. Media To Movements (MTM) is part of our strategy and utilizes social media to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a variety of people groups. 

Modern media technology has created the possibility to share faith-based resources online with people in the privacy of their home computers and cell phones. Imagine being able to share a Christ-centered video to a Muslim's cellphone. This is an unprecedented opportunity. We share, debate, and explain the Gospel in foreign languages to people's cell phones! Pairing this type of media outreach with the local church allows us to maximize our Gospel sharing efforts. 

Our efforts are based in the United States and Germany, which has the second largest refugee population in the world. Many refugees are Muslim and have been taught many misunderstandings about Jesus such as he never died on the cross or that he was just a prophet. We are convinced that now is the time to follow Jesus' Great Commission to go into all the world and share the Good News. We are also confident that God is with us in all our efforts and the harvest is plentiful.


Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”  Isaiah 6:8

We would love to have you join us on our next mission trip! Fill out the form below to stay up to date on our upcoming missions trips.